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Miguel Astorga

Updated: Apr 13, 2023

Team: Miguel Astorga (me)


A simple design for Katarina Mains to find information to improve their gameplay. The App provides easy designs for users to find information of all kinds.


The Goal for the Katarina App was to design an App that could be easily and quickly used to get Runes, Builds, and Matchup information during Champ Select. Since there is not a long time in Champ select everything needed to be in finger length reach.

My role:

UX Research & Designer Documentation Prototyping



Left Finger Combined Right Finger


The goal for the project is to create an App where a user can easily and quickly get all the information needed to play during champ select. Only showing the imporant infomation a player would want to see


The solution for this was to keep everything in an area where it is comfortable for the user to move around, because if the user would have to change their hand position that is time wasted. The UI keeps everything in finger reach for all the information so that it can be easily read and copied.


Live Games

The Live games were kept away from finger reach, because they were not necessary needed for the user, but as an extra if they needed to find streamers to learn from.

Video Guides

While this one was kept slightly closer to finger reach that is because these videos can teach users a lot. As well as that videos are always up. There can be times where no streamers can be live, and then that will live that whole selection useless. So keeping the Video Guides closer seemed like the best choice



The Design is keep easy and quick by having 3 section on the top of the screen. Letting the user swap around to easily and quickly to get the information needed before the game starts.




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