Design an app to provide financial knowledge for UTD students and assist them with budgeting, managing student loans and credit cards.
My role:
UX Designer & Researcher
Team: Lennie Mikame , Harmony Pena, Miguel Astorga, Bhamathi Bhat
Finanical Literacy in Students
Financial knowledge increases with age, which would sometimes be synonymous with financial experience.
“Self-efficacy” combined with financial literacy creates better financial behavior as the confidence in students allow improved decision making.
How to Reach Our Audience:
Data regarding students taking financial classes.
Which methods would allow students to receive and retain financial knowledge:
Classroom setting
Discussion-based classes
Establishing personal financial goals
Finding the Concerns of Students regarding the finincal managemnet of:
Credit Cards
Student Loans
What About UTD Students
How to increase financial literacy for UTD Students
Collected and analyzed data through secondary research.
Interviewed multiple students to gain insight on their current financial literacy state.
Attended and reviewed information provided by a student focus group.
The questions focused on how students manage their finances, and how versed they are in financial topics such as credit, budgeting, loans, and investing.
From these different research methods we determined UTD need the most help in these areas:
Credit Cards
Student loans